Initial Paper Submission

How to Submit Your Initial Paper?

Welcome to ICEEICT 2024 Paper Submission Guideline.
Before you proceed for submission, you are requested to go through the paper submission requirments and paper assessment criteria in the following sections.

Requirements for Initial Paper Submission

Submitted papers should SATISFY the criteria listed below.

Paper Typesetting and Structure

ICEEICT Paper Assessment Criteria

The ICEEICT TPC sets the following publication criteria to be considered in assessing the initially submitted papers. The ICEEICT TPC would prescreen each paper to categorize the papers into two groups: ‘Desk Accept’ and ‘Desk Reject’. The ‘Desk-Accept’ category papers are then sent for double-blind review, where three reviewers of respective tracks will review each paper. Each criterion can have any one of the five levels: Very Poor (-1), Poor (0), Average (1), Good (2), and Excellent (3). Accumulating these criteria-based scores, a total review score is determined for a paper to be shortlisted for the final acceptance and rejection.