Welcome to ICEEICT 2024 Paper Submission Guideline. Before you proceed for submission, you are
requested to go through the paper submission requirments and paper assessment criteria in the
following sections.
If you do not have a CMT login ID, Register below:
Submit your paper at the
Microsoft CMT site of
You should click on the “Create New Submission”. Please fill up all
necessary information including Title, Abstract, Co-authors, Subject Areas and the
full paper in their respective field.
To add coauthors, please use “Enter email to add new
author” field. We would recommend all co-authors open their respective CMT Accounts before
You may also try Microsoft CMT app at Google Playstore and Appstore to
keep track of your
submitted papers on the move, and receive notification from chairs about their paper's
status by
following the below links:
Requirements for Initial Paper Submission
Submitted papers should SATISFY the criteria listed below.
Paper Typesetting and Structure
Paper template:
The paper
submission template (IEEE double-column) can be found in the following link :
File Format: PDF
File size: 3 MB
Paper Size: A4
length: Maximum 6 pages
including all figures, tables, and
Type 3 fonts are not allowed. All fonts are to be embedded in the PDF file.
IEEE Publication Policy
Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s
scope and quality requirements.
All the authors confirm through the corresponding/submitting author that they:
Contributed to the development of the paper as per the IEEE
publication policy including the
authorship criteria
Strictly followed the IEEE type-setting and bibliographic
Agreed to the current sequence of the authors
Approved the paper for submission to ICEEICT 2024
Contribution and Multiple Submission
The paper contains the original contribution of the
authors and it is neither
previously nor has been submitted for any publication.
The authors also agree that they will not submit this
paper simultaneously anywhere
conference without prior approval of the ICEEICT 2024 TPC chair.
As per IEEE policy, similarity index must be less than
Use of a Large Language Model (LLM) in the manuscript
The authors must declare that the use of ChatGPT or any LLM in the preparation of this research
paper is either not applicable, or if utilized, has been duly acknowledged within the paper
(preferably in the 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENT' Section). It is explicitly stated that such models were
employed solely for non-intellectual purposes. The authors confirm that the output generated by ChatGPT
or any LLM has been carefully reviewed and approved by them. The responsibility for the content and
accuracy of the information rests solely with the authors.
Double-blind Review Requirements
In support of the double-blind review policy of ICEEICT, the authors confirm that the
paper is anonymized by excluding the authors' names, affiliations, postal and email
direct form (e.g., with the words 'our previous/earlier work') of self-citation, and any
pertinent information that directly or indirectly disclose the complete or partial identity
any of the authors.
No-Show Policy
Please take note that IEEE has a strict policy on no-show.
For any accepted paper, one of the authors or his/her
representative having similar technical skills must present the paper at the
Papers with no-show participants will not be
No refund of the paid fees may be claimed by the
Microsoft CMT Account
All the co-authors of a submission must have their CMT accounts with their given email
ICEEICT Paper Assessment Criteria
The ICEEICT TPC sets the following publication criteria to be considered in assessing the
submitted papers.
The ICEEICT TPC would prescreen each paper to categorize the papers into two
‘Desk Accept’ and ‘Desk Reject’. The ‘Desk-Accept’ category papers are then sent
review, where three reviewers of respective tracks will review each paper. Each criterion can
one of the five levels: Very Poor (-1), Poor (0), Average (1), Good (2), and Excellent (3).
these criteria-based scores, a total review score is determined for a paper to be shortlisted
final acceptance and rejection.
How well is the work motivated and grounded in theory and prior literature?
How close does the paper fall within the scope of ICEEICT?
Importance of the contribution
How important question does the manuscript address?
How innovative is the presented work in nature, approach, or scope?
How much potential does the manuscript have to advance the discipline?
Clarity and Format
How clearly is the paper written?
How is the paper’s organizational coherence (e.g., is the heading structure clear
helpful to the reader? does the flow of the sections work well to convey the key
How appropriate/complete is the list of references?
How is the IEEE style followed in organizing and type-setting the content (i.e.,
figures, tables, citations, and references) of the paper?
How clear, well-reasoned, appropriate, and current are the overall strategy,
research design, and techniques?
How adequate is the given information for reproducibility?
How was the methodology implemented with rigor and applicable reporting standards?
How appropriate were the data analyses for the purpose of the study and research
How appropriately were the data collected, analyzed, and reported with clarity?
How well-reasoned and succinct are the presented results and findings?
How clear and effective are the presented tables and figures in the body of the
How appropriate is the use of any supplemental material incorporated?
How well are the results/findings synthesized and interpreted within the context of
literature, existing models, or theories?
How are the significant study limitations disclosed for future research?